PRESENTE PROGRESIVO/ Present progressive

Unlike the present indicative, which can express many different actions, the present progressive is very specific. It only expresses an action that is in progress at the moment. For instance, in the following example:
I speak (in general)
I do speak (every day)
I will speak (immediate future)
Estoy hablando
I am speaking (right now)
The present progressive is formed with the present tense of estar + gerund (-ing form). Review how to form GERUND.
·         La compañía está revelando los secretos./ The company is revealing the secrets.
·         El gerente está arriesgando su puesto./ The manager is risking his job.
·         Ustedes están cosiendo la ropa./ You are sewing the clothes.
·         Los empleados se están suscribiendo al Economista./ The employees are signing up for the Economist.
·         Me estoy yendo a mi casa./ I am on my way home.
·         El caso está siendo investigado./ The case is being investigated.

NOTE: In Spanish, the present progressive is never used to express a future action. The present tense is used in expressions that would require the present participle in English.
·         El interventor sale mañana para Méjico (México can also be spelt with x). / The auditor is leaving tomorrow to Mexico.
·         Los pasajeros llegan mañana a la mañana./ The passengers are arriving tomorrow morning. 

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