Expresiones Negativas y Afirmativas/ Negative and Affirmative Expressions

The most common way to make a sentence negative is to place no before the verb.
The English auxiliaries do and does are not used in Spanish.
·         Juan abre una cuenta bancaria./ Juan opens a checking account.
·         Juan no abre la cuenta bancaria./ Juan does not open the checking account.

Affirmative and negative expressions
NOTE: In Spanish, double negation is very common, as stated in the examples below.

ALGO y NADA/ Something and nothing
Algo and nada are invariable and refer to things and objects.
·         Hay algo afuera./ There is something outside.
·         No hay nada en el refrigerador./ There is nothing in the refrigerator.

ALGUIEN y NADIE / Someone and no one
Alguien and nadie are invariable and refer to people. When alguien, nadie, alguno and ninguno are direct objects, they must be preceded by the personal a when they refer to a person.
·         Invité a alguien a salir./ I asked someone out.
·         No defiendo a nadie./ I don't defend anybody.

ALGUNO (someone or some) y NINGUNO (no one or none)
Alguno and ninguno can refer to people or things. Furthermore, alguno and ninguno drop the final -o before masculine singular nouns similarly, uno/one shortens to un, and bueno/ good to buen.
·         Algún día venderemos millones./ Some day we'll sell millions.
·         Ningún producto está fallado./ None of the products is damaged.
NOTE: Ninguno is never used in a plural form.

Alguna vez is equivalent to ever.
·         ¿Has diseñado alguna vez un logotipo?/ Have you ever designed a logo?

1. Whenever the negative words nada, nadie, nunca, tampoco, jamás, follow the verb, no must precede the verb, which produces a multiple negative construction.
·         No como nunca espinaca./ I never eat spinach.

2. The negative word can be placed at the end of the sentence.
·         No como espinaca nunca./ I never eat spinach.

3. When the negative word precedes the verb, the word no is NOT used.
·         Nunca como espinaca./ I never eat spinach.

When the answer to a question is negative, the word no appears twice. It appears at the beginning of the sentence and also in front of the verb.
·         Juan: ¿Abren ahora?/ Are you going to open now?
·         Clerk: No, no abrimos hasta las diez./ No, we don't open until ten.
NOTE: Usually the subject pronoun is omitted in the answer because the verb ending identifies the subject, as in the example above.

NUNCA JAMÁS/ never again
Nunca jamás is one of the strongest negative forms that is equivalent to never ever or never again.
·         Nunca jamás ganarán./ They'll never ever win.

NUNCA MÁS/ Never again
Nunca más is equivalent to never again.
·         Nunca más vi a Ana./ I have not seen Ana ever again

Jamás is used as a superlative and is equivalent to ever.
·         Este projecto es el más intenso que jamás he empredido./ This project is the most intense that I have ever undertaken.

TAMBIÉN/ Also or too
También expresses the union of two affirmative sentences. También means also or too.
·         Yo quiero comer; también ellos quieren comer./ I want to eat; they want to eat too.
·         Nosotros también ganamos la competencia./ We also won the competition.

TAMPOCO/ Neither
Tampoco means neither and is used to unite negative sentences.
·         Victoria no comió, y yo tampoco./ Victoria didn't eat and neither did I.

NI/ Nor
Ni connects two negative constructions.
·         No quiero ni comer ni beber./ I don't want to eat or drink.

Ni siquiera and sometimes ni are equivalent to not even.
·         Pedro ni siquiera me saludó./ Pedro did not even greet me.
·         Pedro no quiere ni saludarme./ Pedro doesn't even want to greet me.

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