The verb gustar is used to express likes and dislikes. Its literal translation is to be pleasing. The most common conjugation for gustar and other verbs in the same category (listed below) is the third person singular or plural. Usually, these types of verbs require the indirect object pronoun (IOP) at the beginning.
yo/ I
nosotros (mas.), nosotras (fem.)/ we
tú / you (informal)
vosotros (mas.),vosotras (fem.), ustedes/ you
él/ he, ella/ she, usted (formal)/ you
ellos, ellas/ they
·         Me gusta la música./ I like music.
·         Te gustan las almendras./ You like almonds.
·         A ella le gustan los mariscos./ She likes seafood.
·         Nos gustan los bebés./ We like babies.
·         Les gusta bromear./ They like to joke around.
·         me gustas mucho./ I like you very much.
NOTE: It is common to place the direct object or infinitive after the verb gustar, which agrees with the person or thing being liked. Furthermore, the person who does the liking is the indirect object. 

1. A + pronoun or noun
This expression is used to clarify the meaning of a sentence when le is used, or to emphasize the indirect objects when there is duplication of indirect objects.
·         A mamá le gusta cocinar./ Mom likes to cook. (Le is used for she, he, and Ud.; therefore, to clarify the meaning of the sentence A+ mamá is used.)
·         A mi prima y a mí nos gusta dormir./ My cousin and I like sleeping.

2. Gustar + reflexive verb
If gustar/ to like is followed by a reflexive verb, the corresponding reflexive pronoun is added to the infinitive. (Click here for more info. about reflexive verbs.)
·         Nos gusta levantarnos tarde./ We like to get up late.
·         Me gusta sepillarme el pelo./ I like to brush my hair.

When gustar / to like is followed by one or more infinitives (verbs not conjugated), the third person singular conjugation is used for gustar.
·         A mi perro le gusta correr, nadar y saltar./ My dog likes to run, swim and jump.
·         A mis perros les gusta comer, domir y ladrar./ My dogs like to eat, sleep and bark.

4. Other verbs in the same category are following:
1.      Aburrir/ to bore
2.      Asustar/ to scare
3.      Disgustar/ to upset
4.      Divertir/ to have fun
5.      Doler/ to hurt
6.      Encantar/ to delight, love
7.      Enojar/ to get mad
8.      Emocionar/ to be moved, touched
9.      Faltar/ to lack, be missing
10.  Fascinar/ to fascinate
11.  Hacer falta/ to be necessary, to be in need of
12.  Importar/ to matter
13.  Interesar/ to interest
14.  Molestar/ to bother, annoy
15.  Parecer/ to seem
16.  Preocupar/ to worry
17.  Quedar/ to remain, stay
18.  Sobrar/ to have extra
19.  Sorprender/ to surprise
20.  Tocar/ to be one's turn, to touch

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