In Spanish, there are only 2 contractions, al and del.
prepositions a (to, toward) and de (from, of) combine with the
definite article el to form al (a + el = al) and del (de +
= del).
Voy al hotel./
I am going to the hotel.
Vengo del colegio./
I am coming from college.

NOTE: That the
pronoun él does NOT
Decile a él
que venga./ Tell him to come.

NOTE: That no
other definite articles (la, las, los) form contractions
when combined with de.
o La
ventana de la casa está sucia./ The window of the house is dirty.
o Las
hipotecas de las casas./ The mortgages of the houses.
o Los
empleados de los bancos./ The employees of the banks.
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