Tener is equivalent to the verb to have or to possess. It follows the pattern of e:ie stem-changing verbs, with the exception of yo/ I, which ends in -go.
yo/ I
tú/ you
él, ella, Ud./ he, she, you
nos./ we
ellos, Uds./ they, you
1. Tener + que
This expression is equivalent to the English expression to have to (do something).
·         Tengo que repetir cada ejemplo./ I have to repeat each example.
·         Tuvimos que convencer a los inversionistas./ We had to convince the investors.
NOTE: Tener que is followed by an infinitive.


2. The simplest way of expressing possession is by using tener/ to have.
·         Mi jefe tiene mucha experiencia./ My boss has a lot of experience.
·         Tuvimos muchos fondos para invertir./ We had a lot of funds to invest. 

3. In Spanish, tener is used for indicating age. On the other hand, in English the verb to be is used for telling age.
·         Tengo 23 años./ I am 23 years old.
·         Mi abuela tenía 88 años cuando falleció./ My grand-mother was 88 years old when she passed away.

4. Tener + noun
This expression is used for describing states, but in English to be is commonly used.
a. Tener calor/ to be hot
·         Tengo mucho calor./ I am very hot.
b. Tener éxito/ to be successful
·         Los productos importados tuvieron mucho éxito./ Imported goods were successful.
c. Tener frío/ to be cold
·         Tuvimos mucho frío en las montañas./ We were very cold in the mountains.
d. Tener celos/ to be jealous
·         Mi novio tiene celos de mi./ My boyfriend is jealous of me.
e. Tener cuidado/ to be careful
·         Ten cuidado por las noches./ Be careful at night.
f. Tener hambre/ to be hungry
·         Tengo tanta hambre que me comería un caballo./ I am so hungry that I could eat a horse.
g. Tener la culpa/ to be at fault
·         Yo tengo la culpa./ I am at fault.
h. Tener miedo/ to be afraid, scared
·         Tengo miedo de ir al dentista./ I am scared of going to the dentist.
i. Tener paciencia/ to be patient
·         Mi hermano tiene mucha paciencia./ My brother is very patient.
j. Tener presente/ to keep in mind
Ten presente el consejo de mamá./ Keep in mind mother's advice.
k. Tener prisa/ to be in a hurry
·         Apúrense que tengo mucha prisa./ Hurry up, I am in a big hurry.
l. Tener razón/ to be right, correct
·         Tiene razón./ You're right.
m. Tener sed/ to be thirsty
·         Tengo mucha sed./ I am very thristy.
n. Tener sueño/ to be sleepy
·         El bebé tiene sueño./ The baby is sleepy.
o. Tener suerte/ to be lucky
·         Tienes mucha suerte./ You are very lucky.
p. Tener vergüenza/ to be ashamed
·         Tengo vergüenza de pedir cosas prestadas./ I am ashamed of borrowing things.
More expressions:
1. Tener que ver con/ to have to do with
·         No tengo nada que ver con tus problemas./ I have nothing to do with your problems.
2. Tener catarro, resfrío/ to have a cold
·         Tengo un resfrío terrible./ I have a terrible cold.
3. Tener derecho/ to have the right
·         Tiene derecho a un abogado./ You have the right to an attorney.
4. Tener en cuenta/ to take into account
·         Voy a tener en cuenta lo que me dijiste./ I will take into account what you told me.
5. Tener lugar/ to take place, to have space
·         El concierto va a tener lugar en La Paz./ The concert is going to take place in La Paz.
·         Tengo lugar para ti en mi auto./ I have space for you in my car.
6. Tener ganas de (+ infinitive)/ to feel like
·         Tengo ganas de comer helado./ I feel like eating ice-cream.

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